Thursday, September 27, 2007


Now, started this blog, but I know little about blogging, and I truly thought that I was the only one who knew about it or read it. I noticed a comment the other day, however, and when I read it, it appeared to be from the goddess of apparel design and manufacturing, Kathleen Fasanella.

Kathleen wrote a book that is considered the bible of apparel manufacturing. I did not get the book or read it because we do not manufacture apparel. My email buddy, Audra, did not either, until very recently, after she had already gotten her product, a nifty new baby sling, to market. She informed me that we had been missing a great deal of very useful information, even for us, by not having read the book.

Kathleen also maintains a blog and a forum (need to buy the book to get into the forum), and for anyone thinking about manufacturing any sewn product, I highly recommend utilizing all of Kathleen's resources. Her main site is, but it's the Fashion Incubator site that is the nuts and bolts.

Kathleen's is the most popular book, blog and forum out there for manufacturing sewn products. Give her a look!

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